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Kazakhstan oil and gas according to the plan

ADD TIME: 2024-01-26


The International Energy Network learned that on January 16, Kazakhstan's Minister of Energy Satkaliyev said at a press conference that Kazakhstan plans to exploit 90.3 million tons of crude oil in 2024. In 2023, the original plan to extract 92-93 million tons of crude oil, the actual production of about 90 million tons, mainly due to the large oil and gas production enterprises maintenance and equipment replacement time is longer, in addition, Kazakhstan in the OPEC+ framework to fulfill voluntary production reduction obligations. Sa said there are no problems in Kazakhstan's oil and gas industry, and the expansion, production and drilling of new Wells for major projects are proceeding according to the established plan. About 18 million tons of crude oil will be supplied to the domestic market in 2023, while the rest will be exported, of which about 56 million tons will be exported through the Caspian pipeline Consortium.

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