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Clamp-on thread protector


Clamp-on thread protector provides dependable, easy-to-use protection for all API and equivalent threads on casing or tubing.
The thread protector attaches to the pin end of the tubular with a quick-fit-and-release mechanism for easy installation and removal. A special tension adjustment screw enables precise modification of the protector ID to ensure that the intended thread squeeze is achieved. Once the thread protector is clamped on the casing or tubing pin, the locking handle is concealed in the clamp body to prevent damage or unintended release. Returning the Mech-Tec
thread protector from the rig floor to the pipe rack
is easy. The hook-shaped locking handle is opened, hooked over a catch line, and slid downward, toward the pipe rack.


SpecificationApplicable pipe diameter (in)SpecificationApplicable pipe diameter (in)
41/241/2 Casing pipe185/8185/8Casing pipe
55Casing pipe2020Casing pipe
51/251/2Casing pipe2222Casing pipe
65/865/8Casing pipe2424Casing pipe
77Casing pipe241/2241/2Casing pipe
75/875/8Casing pipe2626Casing pipe
85/885/8Casing pipe2727Casing pipe
95/895/8Casing pipe2828Casing pipe
103/4103/4Casing pipe3030Casing pipe
      133/8      133/8Casing pipe       2 3/8      2 3/8Tubing pipe
44Tubing pipe2 7/8  2 7/8Tubing pipe


Clamp-on thread protector


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  • Clamp-on thread protector


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